Bradstow Lodge 2448

Dining Booking Form for regular meeting on 24th May 2023

By submitting this form, you agree to make payment for dining and that no refund shall be given unless
notice of cancellation has been made no less than 4 days prior to the date of the meeting.

Cost of meal : £18.00 

Payment can be made by either of the following methods.
Please select the relevant box

Electronic bank transfer details :
Payee : 'Bradstow Lodge 2448'
Sort code : 40-38-02
Account No. : 91429809
Reference : 'Dining' {surname} {initials}

Payment by cheque payable to - 'Bradstow Lodge 2448'
 and sent to: Adrian Corbridge, 6 Willetts Hill, Monkton, Ramsgate CT12 4LJ

BACS - preferred

Title and Name:

Lodge No:



* Guests:

* Comments: (e.g. Dietary requirements, etc.)

* indicates optional input